We speak with Dubai-based model Brigita Jagelaviciute about beauty, fighting fear and embracing the things that make her unique

How did you learn you had vitiligo?
About seven years ago I was in my last year of university and going through a bit of a stressful period in my life. One day, I noticed a white mark on my face – this is where vitiligo started for me – and didn’t really know what it was. After some time, it disappeared and tiny white marks started appearing on my hands. I had moved to Germany by that time, and I saw a dermatologist who confirmed I have vitiligo. That’s how I learned I have this rare autoimmune condition.
How long have you had vitiligo?
Approximately seven years, but the location of vitiligo is unpredictable. I no longer have it on my face and now it is mostly on my hands.
What did you do when you discovered it?
I think the only time I tried any treatment was when I had had it for about two years already. I tried some topical creams, but they are not successful for many people, especially if your vitiligo is located on your hands or feet. Until I fully accepted having this condition, I chose to wear makeup, specifically MAC concealer, which was a very tedious task. But I had no other choice until I became comfortable not having any makeup on my hands.
When you went to see a doctor, what did they tell you?|
The dermatologist was honest and told me that no treatment for vitiligo is a 100 per cent successful cure. So, my own research took place and I read other people’s success stories. Some people were able to reduce their white spots by giving up gluten, some drank metal detoxifying smoothies, some tried the carnivore diet, some took special supplements or did light treatments. There is never just one treatment for this condition, but I have decided not to try to find a fix as I am ok with having vitiligo and it does not bother me anymore.
How do you feel about having vitiligo?
Initially, I was very sad and insecure, and it took me many, many years to even be vocal about it with my audience. The moment I decided to step out of my comfort zone and talk about it openly, everything changed for the better. Sometimes the best things in life are on the other side of fear.
Before, I felt the need to hide my hands and was always stressed whenever someone looked at my hands. Now, this stuff does not bother me anymore and I just smile or talk to anyone who notices it and ask if they know what these white spots are. If they don’t, I am always happy to talk about it and spread awareness.
What is your beauty advice for anyone with vitiligo? Are there things you should or shouldn’t do?
I think the best advice I can give is listen to your body and see what works for you. As I said, there is not just one cure or fix for this condition and what works for one may not work for the other. I also think that a big factor in the spread of vitiligo is stress, so if you can minimise any stressors or emotional triggers in your life then I would suggest to try to do so. Also, another super important rule is to wear sunscreen and reapply it regularly regardless of the weather. Some people mistakenly think that if it’s cloudy the sun is not damaging. That is wrong! Make sure to look after your skin, as people with vitiligo are especially sensitive to the sun. I know some people choose not to sunbathe, some limit sun exposure to just 10 minutes or so, but I enjoy it for as long as I desire with the only rule being the frequent application of sunscreen.
What is your advice to other women and men having vitiligo?
Embrace your body and your uniqueness. Empower those who are insecure about themselves and spread awareness about this unique condition.
What is the one beauty product you always have with you?
I can’t live without a lip balm and hand cream!
Do you have a beauty secret?
I love drinking collagen with my coffee or smoothies. I think looking after yourself internally is as important what you do externally.
What’s next for you?
I aim to keep inspiring others with my journey through various creative projects.
You can find Brigita @imbrigita and enjoy her vlogs on Youtube imbrigita – have a look at her video, “How Vitiligo made me more confident.”