Emirati man with a beard wearing traditional dress

100kg lighter

Emirati Essa Al Ansari, 31, tells us about losing 100kg naturally

Tell us about your weight loss – what inspired you?
Around nine years ago I reached a point where my weight was high and my physical health was not good. I had to change my lifestyle and my eating habits and I was inspired by my twin brother who pushed me to start training and eating healthy. I took it step by step and had a weekly goal to reach. Since then I have lost 100 kg naturally without any surgery or medical treatments.

Around seven years ago, I started my online social media page, fitnesswithessa, where my goal was to inspire and help others through my weight loss story. Especially with the obesity rates increasing, it is very important for me as an Arab to help others. Motivational speaking is what I love, and I have done more than 40 school tours, talks at government entities and corporate companies, as well as TED talks.

What do you consider to be your greatest personal and professional achievements?
Personal – losing 100 kg and being a role model to others to lose weight.
Professional – encouraging Emiratis to join he hospitality sector.

What were your biggest business challenges? How did you overcome them?
Working in the F&B field, especially in operations on the floor, I always thought that others would have a bad impression of me, especially here in Dubai. However, I want to show people that you need to love what you do, you need to wake up every day and get excited about your job. It’s all about passion.

What three pieces of advice would you give to the younger generation that might want to follow in your footsteps?
Focus on yourself, don’t compare yourself with others. Be YOU!
Look at yourself in the mirror and focus on what you need to do to get better.
Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.
Always remember, your focus determines your reality.

What advice were you given when you started?
Set your goals and work towards them. But be patient.

How do you manage the daily stress that comes with running a business?
Working out or going for a walk or to gym is a way for to manage my stress. I wake up every day around 5am and start my day at the gym or with a walk. It clears your mind!

If you look back over your life and career, if you were to do anything differently, would you?
Not at all, I think life teaches you a lesson. Nothing is perfect and nobody is perfect. Every lesson you learn makes you a stronger and better person.

What is important to you?
My family and my mental health.

Have your priorities changed as you have matured? If so, how?
Big time! They have changed so much. At the moment I am either at work, gym, or at home. I don’t have the urge to go out like before. During my days off, I spend them alone. I like spending time with myself, relaxing.

What inspires you?
People who are hard workers and want to achieve something in life, such my General Manager, Oliver. The way he communicates at work and deals with things is exactly how I want to be in the future.

Do you prioritise your mental health, and how?
100%! In 2020 I went through a rough patch with depression, anxiety, and panic attacks. It got to a point where I was in hospital because of it. My binge eating got bad, my mood swings were always bad, and I did not want to see anyone.

I started seeing a therapist and psychologist to help me get treated. Am I better now? Yes for sure, however, these things take time and not many people understand.

I started sharing my experience on my social media pages not to get any attention but to help those suffering in silence. Unfortunately, in the Arab world, it is a myth. For me, it is very important to help others and inspire them. Sharing my story helps others.

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